We are doing a service project for the 222 National Guard Unit. We are collecting money until Wednesday, September 21. We will then purchase items to send to our soldiers in Iraq. We will have a collection jar at our Back To School Bash, which is Monday, September 12 from 5:30 until 8:00. You can also send money in during the next week and a half , which can be turned in to me.
If you have not already done so, please send back the signed newsletter and permission for our Cedar Mountain field trip which is on Friday, September 23. Students will need to wear long pants, sturdy shoes, and bring a jacket. Each student should also bring a flashlight for the cave exploration and a water bottle or two. I also need the permission slips returned for the maturation program, which is on Friday, September 30. Parent conferences will be held the first week of October. I will be sending home schedules on Wed. Sept. 21 with the next newsletter. If one day is better than another please let me know right away. I will be doing conferences before school at 7:45 and 8:00. Let me know if a morning time would work for you. I will stay a little later on Monday, so if you absolutely need a time after 4:00, please let me know that as well. I do look forward to meeting with and your child. Signed planners(bright green) should always be returned on Monday. Be sure to have reading time verified on the planner. The third planner is due on Monday, September 12. Remember that you can check your child's progress on Power School anytime you want. You may also log in to the math program as well, which brings up the math book as well as teaches lessons and concepts. We are begining our first spelling list this week. The test will be on Friday. You should all have the complete spelling lists for the year, as well as your child's pre-tests and a letter explaining the spelling program.
Remember that the first book report is due by Tuesday, September 20.
We're off to great start this year!! Remember that you can check your child's progress on Power School with their log in and password at any time. You will receive a progress print out and newsletter on Wednesday, September 7. You will also recieve a spelling letter and our spelling pre-tests. After school class will be held on Thursday, September 8 until 4:30. You must send a note in order for your child to stay on Thursday. I hope that you will all be able to enjoy the Labor Day weekend. You may contact me anytime at julie.williams@ironmail.org .
I have been teaching Fifth Grade since 1982 and I love it! I have three children,Lindsay(married to Peter Clark and mother of Lydia and Owen), Bryce(married to Ricki King and father of Aubri), and McCall(married to Zach Hansen), who all attended South Elementary. My husband, Roland, also attended South Elementary. He is a cosmotologist and owns Second Glance Hair Designs. I have a darling grandaughter, Lydia, who is four. Lydia's little brother,Owen, is two. I also love having a little granddaughter,Aubri, who was one on July 2. My parents are Sheridan and Annette Hansen of Cedar City.